
xiongcc 2023-08-14 10:12:42



今天在生产中碰到了一个让我十分费解的 SQL,十分有趣。




SQL 很好复现,就是逻辑看起来有点唬人。


postgres=# create table test(id1 int,id2 int);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into test values(1,3),(2,1),(3,1),(3,3);INSERT 0 4postgres=# select * from test; id1 | id2 -----+-----   1 |   3   2 |   1   3 |   1   3 |   3(4 rows)


业务 SQL 如下此处用 test 表替代,真实情况表中字段存在一个父子关系,根据 parent_id 查找子 id。


postgres=# select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (test.id1 = a.id2))) as b from test; b --- t f t t(4 rows)postgres=# explain select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (test.id1 = a.id2))) as b from test;                          QUERY PLAN                          -------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..3.14 rows=4 width=1)   SubPlan 2     ->  Seq Scan on test a  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=4 width=4)(3 rows)


SQL 是 self-join ,a 是 test 表的一个别名。




postgres=# select 1 as one from test a where (test.id1 = a.id2);ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "test"LINE 1: select 1 as one from test a where (test.id1 = a.id2);                                           ^HINT:  Perhaps you meant to reference the table alias "a".


可以看到报错了,说明此处的 test 是取自外层的 test(即 from test),根据 test.id1 去判断 a.id2,于是返回如下结果:


postgres=# select * from test; id1 | id2 -----+-----   1 |   3   ---true (id1=1,id2里面有,遍历)   2 |   1   ---false(id1=2,id2里面没有,遍历)   3 |   1   ---true (id1=3,id2里面有,遍历)   3 |   3   ---true (id1=3,id2里面有,遍历)(4 rows)


现在让我们改写一下 SQL,修改一下别名。


postgres=# select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = test.id2))) as b from test; b --- t t t t(4 rows)postgres=# explain select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = test.id2))) as b from test;                          QUERY PLAN                          -------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..5.24 rows=4 width=1)   SubPlan 2     ->  Seq Scan on test a  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=4 width=4)(3 rows)




postgres=# select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = test.id2);ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "test"LINE 1: select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = test.id2);                                                   ^HINT:  Perhaps you meant to reference the table alias "a".


于是根据 test.id2 去探测 a.id1,于是返回如下结果:


postgres=# select * from test; id1 | id2 -----+-----   1 |   3   ---true (id2=3,id1里面有,遍历)   2 |   1   ---true (id2=1,id1里面有,遍历)   3 |   1   ---true (id2=1,id1里面有,遍历)   3 |   3   ---true (id2=3,id1里面有,遍历)(4 rows)


让我们再改写一下 SQL:


postgres=# select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = a.id2))) as b from test; b --- t t t t(4 rows)postgres=# explain select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = a.id2))) as b from test;                          QUERY PLAN                          -------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test  (cost=1.05..2.09 rows=4 width=1)   InitPlan 1 (returns $0)     ->  Seq Scan on test a  (cost=0.00..1.05 rows=1 width=0)           Filter: (id1 = id2)(4 rows)


这次执行计划变了,变成了 InitPlan,执行计划和结构都有所差异。那么 InitPlan 是什么意思?


This plan happens whenever there is a part of your query that can (or have to) be calculated before anything else, and it doesn't depend on anything in the rest of your query.




A special case of SubPlan that only needs to run once.


SubPlan 的一种特殊情况,只需要运行一次。




因此上述执行计划就变成了 a 表先进行一次独立的子查询:


postgres=# select * from test where id1 = id2; id1 | id2 -----+-----   3 |   3(1 row)postgres=# select exists (select 3,3) as b from test; b --- t t t t(4 rows)postgres=# delete from test;DELETE 4postgres=# insert into test values(5,4);INSERT 0 1postgres=# select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = a.id2))) as b from test; b --- f(1 row)postgres=# insert into test values(3,4);INSERT 0 1postgres=# select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = a.id2))) as b from test; b --- f f(2 rows)postgres=# insert into test values(4,4);INSERT 0 1postgres=# select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (a.id1 = a.id2))) as b from test; b --- t t t(3 rows)


可以看到,只要结果中有相等的 id1 和 id2,结果就会全部返回真。


那让我们又双叒叕改写下 SQL:


postgres=# truncate table test;TRUNCATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into test values(1,3),(2,1),(3,1),(3,3);INSERT 0 4postgres=# explain select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (test.id1 = test.id2))) as b from test;                             QUERY PLAN                             -------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..2.09 rows=4 width=1)   SubPlan 1     ->  Result  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=4 width=0)           One-Time Filter: (test.id1 = test.id2)           ->  Seq Scan on test a  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=4 width=0)(5 rows)postgres=# select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (test.id1 = test.id2))) as b from test; b --- f f f t(4 rows)


这次多了一个 One-Time Filter,那么这个又是什么玩意?


A qualification used by a Result operation. If it is false, an empty result set can be returned without further work.


如果为 false,则可以返回空结果集,无需进一步工作。




 *  Result nodes are also used to optimise queries with constant *  qualifications (ie, quals that do not depend on the scanned data), *  such as: * *    select * from emp where 2 > 1 * *  In this case, the plan generated is * *      Result (with 2 > 1 qual) *      / *       SeqScan (emp.*) * *  At runtime, the Result node evaluates the constant qual once, *  which is shown by EXPLAIN as a One-Time Filter.  If it's *  false, we can return an empty result set without running the *  controlled plan at all.  If it's true, we run the controlled *  plan normally and pass back the results.


逻辑很清晰,因此上述逻辑就好比这么一串 SQL:


postgres=# select * from test where 2 > 1; id1 | id2 -----+-----   1 |   3   2 |   1   3 |   1   3 |   3(4 rows)postgres=# select * from test where 1 > 1; id1 | id2 -----+-----(0 rows)postgres=# select exists(select 1 from test where 1 > 1)as b; b --- f(1 row)postgres=# select exists(select 1 from test where 1 > 1)as b from test; b --- f f f f(4 rows)postgres=# select (exists (select 1 as one from test a where (test.id1 = test.id2))) as b from test; b --- f f f t(4 rows)


因此此时的 SQL 逻辑就变成了这样:遍历 test 表,判断 id1 = id2 的行,所以结果是 false、false、false、true。




真是一段烧死脑细胞的神奇 SQL。不知道其他数据库中这个 SQL 是否是类似结果?感兴趣的读者可以在评论区交流。当然文章中可能也有错误,欢迎指正~





  • https://www.pgmustard.com/docs/explain/initplan

  • https://www.depesz.com/2013/05/19/explaining-the-unexplainable-part-4/


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